Who we are

Who we are

Super Seal Manufacturing Limited provides leadership, innovation, and quality in the manufacture of automated fabric doors, impact traffic doors, stationary and inflatable dock seals and shelters, and dock accessories. A skilled and experienced sales, engineering, and management team, coupled with professional craftspeople and state-of-the-art production equipment ensures superior, long lasting products. Super Seal makes products for interior/exterior applications with a wide range of temperature and climate tolerance. Using the finest materials and leading technologies, Super Seal products are designed to increase durability, reliability, and safety and to decrease energy and maintenance costs. Industries ranging from mining to manufacturing and from food distribution to pharmaceutical production have installed Super Seal products in facilities around the world. A trained dealer network is available to work with you and with Super Seal to provide a quality, custom product at an affordable price. Super Seal’s after-sale support includes excellent warranties and superior customer service.

Custom Services

Sales & Support.

We are here to help, create custom durable dock and door equipment. Call or email us for a quote or get assistance with CAD drawings, spec sheets and more.

top selling products - Lead times for production

over 40 years of dock and door manufacturing
super seal team
History Image

I have been dealing with this company for many years and they are very customer focused, have great products and any issues post installation are dealt with quickly and efficiently. Excellent post sales support!

Mark DeGasperisCustomer

I have been dealing with Super Seal on a weekly basis for over 13 years and I am still very satisfied. Quality equipment at a fair price. Outstanding customer service. Present throughout the process. From submission to after-sales service. It respects their production deadline and we can count on them for our special request issues. Flexible and open to innovate to follow demand and the market. I highly recommend this Canadian manufacturer. To try it is to adopt it!

Annie BernatchezCustomer (English version)

Je fais affaire avec Super Seal sur une base hebdomadaire depuis plus de 13 ans et je suis toujours aussi satisfaite. Des équipements de qualités a juste prix. Un service a la clientèle hors pair. Présent tout au long du processus. De la soumission au service après-ventes. Il respecte leur délai de production et ont peut compter sur eux pour nos enjeux de demande spéciale. Flexible et ouvert à innové pour suivre la demande et le marché. Je recommande fortement ce manufacturier Canadien. L'essayer c'est l'adopté!

Annie BernatchezCustomer (French version)

Super-Seal has the ability to build “custom” product configurations to suit any application with detailed order confirmations and shop drawings as a standard. If it can be done, Super-Seal will make it happen. Hands down, Super-Seal is a five star organization.

Spencer CawkerBusiness Owner

Great place to get commercial and industrial dock and door products. I've known the owner for many years and always received great service and assistance with products when needed.

Aaron Mnich (Kristofurious)Business Owner
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