New Camera System on Super-Seals – Python Truck Restraint

The Super-Seal Python truck restraint stabilizes trailers to help prevent both horizontal and vertical movement. By securely engaging the trailer’s rear impact guard and stabilizing the rear of the trailer, the Python Restraint offers the ultimate level of safety, easy to use, and can apply up to 35,000lbs (15,875kgs) of restraining force to keep a truck or trailer stationed at the dock.

Truck Restraints are a safeguard against unscheduled departures, trailer creep, and trailer walk, and require minimal maintenance.

We are introducing a new camera system that is unique to the Super-Seal Python truck restraint. Call us for further details!

Super-Seal Mfg. Ltd. has experienced dealers worldwide that are trained in understanding the best solution for loading dock. Please contact us; 1-800-337-3239 or visit the Python Truck Restraint page for further details.


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